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View from South of Piazza Armerina Enna province in Sicily, late nineteenth century beginning Novecentopiù close up and used as a postcard.
What catches the eye is, first, the presence of the great 2° campanile (the Church of St. Domenico) from left after that of Saint Vincent, if you look at the pictures of subsequent periods is not more because felled for threatening to collapse.
The second point is the large number of one-story houses, at most two, down the middle. Here also stands out most clearly, bottom right, the big Valley that there was under today's via Roma.
This rugged area was great guard on the East side of the ancient city which, moreover, from this side, had one of the 7 doors on the way from Tacura.
The door was hospital visit, because here you had the first primary school buildings used as shelters for pilgrims and wayfarers, governed by the friars of the order of Saint James of Altopascio since the 12th century.
Via Roma for the southern exposure was the most coveted by the artisans until the ' 60/' 70. The most numerous were the bakers, carpenters, locksmiths (that's why it was called a f ' rraria) and even some photographer.
They took advantage of the light and heat of the Sun, almost always hinged on the buildings to carry out most of their activities out of the Labs on the big sidewalk. To cool off just a few steps from villa funtanèdda there was always available.
The exhibition, the length and width of this street, just steps from ciàzza Garibaldi, made it very suitable for the holding of exhibitions-annual markets, not to mention the great view towards û ciangh û t ' rr ' mòt (the Earthquake Plan Sant'Ippolito) for enjoy du iòchu which p menzaùstu (fireworks for August).